Monday, 18 October 2010

EU backs French Subsidies of Music Downloads

In an attempt to fight the rising rate of music piracy, the French government has launched a scheme to try and encourage people to download music legally.

French residents who buy a card to download music from subscription-based websites will only have to pay half of a €50 card, with the government paying the remainder.

The government hopes the scheme, which is targeted at 12-25 year olds, will encourage people to download music files legally and not indulge in illegal file sharing.

According to the French government, the scheme will cost around €25 million or £22 million, if it manages to sell one million music cards within a year.

Online music download websites will be forced to comply by the subsidised prices offered by the scheme, by reducing download charges, extend the subscription period and marketing the new scheme.

The strategy has been approved by the European Union and was praised for its promotion of cultural diversity.

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