Monday, 11 October 2010

Unlicensed Music Download Service Operators Arrested

The unlicensed Mulve music download service has been shut down following the arrest of the sites operators in the UK, according to reports.

A spokesperson for Mulve told TorrentFreak, “Just letting you know that following arrests, we have decided to take Mulve offline for good. We do not want to fight this […] Hell, I am not prepared to spend the next 5 years in prison for a project that was simply meant to be a little bit of fun. We would like to apologise to all those who were affected by this.”

Mulve first appeared at the end of September, offering unlimited downloads of 10m tracks from a set of servers, believed to be in Russia, rather than via decentralised a P2P network.

TorrentFreak claims the site itself was not hosting any music but instead “pulled it from hardware owned by Vkontakte, Russia's biggest social networking site”.

Since Mulve first appeared it has played a game of cat and mouse with organisations such as the RIAA in the US, initially disappearing then quickly resurfacing. Similar sites are expected to spring up in its wake after the code on which Mulve ran was released.

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