Friday 6 November 2009

EU in Agreement on Internet User Rights

European Parliament lawmakers and EU governments have reached an agreement on new draft telecommunication rules which offers more protection for Internet users.

The outcome strikes a compromise between governments seeking to impose tough anti-piracy laws and those who want greater protection for consumers.

Under the compromise, any decision made to sever Internet access, an approach championed by several EU countries to clamp down on illegal file-sharing, must be subject to a legal review.

Internet users in all 27 EU states accused of illegal file-sharing are to be put through a "fair and impartial procedure" before being disconnected. Authorities will have to provide evidence of illegal downloading first.

The European Parliament and Council is due to make a decision on its Telecoms Reform Package later this month.

Backers hailed the deal, saying it would legally underpin the right to Internet access in Europe while stopping short of facilitating widespread criminal piracy.

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